100% craft beers made to enjoy
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Beer with orange blossom
Sullerica, a beer with orange blossom. The month of may is very special in our area when the blossoming orange trees fill the air of the valley with their fragrance. Fort this reason it seemed a good idea to capture some of this essence of Sóller in our beer. A beer with such a strong reminiscence to the valley of the oranges could not bear any other name than…. Sullerica, THE BEER OF SÓLLER
Online shop
Now you can buy our four 100% handmade beers online. An easy way to have Sullerica anywhere in Spain.
- Sullerica recepta original, a golden blond Ale, it has a fresh floral aroma.
- Sullerica fosca, dark-brown ale, with cocoa-aroma and toasted flavour.
- Sullerica blanca, wheat beer, very mild, refreshing and aromatic.
- Sullerica 1561, IPA, bitter and with a strong character, intense herbal flavour.